E-Mail: segreteria@asigitalia.com

Cooperation for International Economic Exchange

The General Assembly of the NGO United Tows Agency for North-South Cooperation, local partner to ECOSOC (UN), has approved Asigitalia.

Enrolled in the register CH-550.

E-Mail: segreteria@asigitalia.com

Cooperation for International Economic Exchange

The General Assembly of the NGO United Tows Agency for North-South Cooperation, local partner to ECOSOC (UN), has approved Asigitalia.

Enrolled in the register CH-550. 

E-Mail: segreteria@asigitalia.com

Cooperation for International Economic Exchange

The General Assembly of the NGO United Tows Agency for North-South Cooperation, local partner to ECOSOC (UN), has approved Asigitalia.

Enrolled in the register CH-550. 

About Us

ASIGITALIA is the organization for the economic exchange between Italy and the Eurasian area, as well as with those countries in the MEDITERRANEAN AREA. It was registered at the Italian Business Register in Milan on the 21st of April 2017 no. 22075, Repertory N.60665-Collection N.11224.


On the 18th of September 2020 we became an Economic Organisation recognised by the United Towns Agency (UTA), registered at CH-550. in ECOSOC (UN). At the same time, the President, Dr Rossana Rodà, was appointed President of the Technical, Cultural and Social Commission for cooperation and strengthening of North-South relations.


On 5 July 2021, the United Nations General Assembly appointed Rossana Rodà President of the United Towns Agency Italy. The first office on Italian territory, the Agency is already present in several countries.

The organisation develops and finances projects for economic growth and social development through vocational training, and promotes social activities following the principles of the ECOSOC Economic Council.

ECOSOC is the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. It is one of the 6 main organs of the UN.
The Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (also known as ECOSOC) is the organ of the United Nations with major responsibility for relations and international issues about economy, society, culture, education and health, and for the coordination of economic and social activities of the United Nations and its various affiliated organisations.


The purpose of the Council is written in Article 62 of the Charter of the United Nations: to program economic development and technical and financial assistance to the least developed countries, and to promote research or reports on economic, social, cultural and health matters. It consists of fifty-four members elected every three years by the General Assembly.


Our organisation recognises and values the role that investment funds play in the global economy, through their financial support to companies and entities in the implementation of their industrial projects.


This strategic vision has led to the partnership between ASIG ITALIA and the GOOD LIFE HAZIEL Subfund II, under the Czech law. This is a financial vehicle that promotes and implements investments in the field of circular, organic and sustainable agriculture, both in Europe and in Africa. The recipients of the Investment Fund are companies and entities that promote innovative projects which are consistent with models of eco-sustainability, development and social integration and economic growth.



Legal Representative: President Rossana Rodà founder of the charitable association HAZIEL in 2013, founder of the economic association called ASIGITALIA, founder of the Vocational Training Center in Tunis currently in office and currently President in Commission for the cooperation of the United Cities NORTH/SOUTH – UNITED TOWNS AGENCY (United Nations)


Statutory Bodies:

  • The General Membership Meeting;
  • President and Vice President;
  • The board of directors;
  • The Board of Auditors;
  • Scientific Technical Committee;
  • International Secretariat;
  • Designer;
  • Consulting and services company.

Below you can download ASIGITALIA’s official statute.

ASIGITALIA operates in the following countries

(Run the mouse over the map or click  to view names)

Rossana Rodà

Rossana Rodà

Diplomat at United Towns Agency (ECOSOC UN)
President of the Technical Committee • National President of the United Towns Agency Italy • Founding President of the Organization called ASIGITALIA • Founding President of the Association Haziel International • Founding President of the Professional Training Center in Tunis

ASIGITALIA’s annual Award

Year 2017

  • Award for diplomatic relations and interactions with the Consul General of the Republic of Croatia Dr. Iva Pavic
  • Fashion designer Raffaella Curriel withdraws the award for Economic Internationalization
  • Award for social activities. Prof. Luca Bernardo DIRECTOR / RESPONSIBLE PEDIATRICS from Fatebenefratelli Hospital
  • Award for culture to Vittorio Feltri, Director of the newspaper “LIBERO”

Year 2018

  • Award for diplomatic relations interactions to the Ambassador of Algeria in Italy, Abdelhamid SENOUCI BEREKSI
  • Marialuisa Trussardi collects the prize for the economic internationalization, from the fashion house TRUSSARDI
  • Social activity award to protected community associations
  • Award for culture to Alessandro Sallusti Director of “Il GIORNALE”
  • Awarded Gianvico Camisasca, Consul General of Slovenia and Vice President Fenco Federation of Diplomats

Year 2019

  • Award for international diplomatic relations to Lorenzo Fanara, the Ambassador of Italy in Tunisia
  • Award for the economic internationalization to Renè Trabelsi, the Minister of Tourism of the Tunisian Republic
  • Award for cultural and social activities to the singer Ghali
  • Award to the journalist Paolo Del Debbio – Mediaset
  • Award to Maria Carla Gatto, President of the Juvenile Court of Milan