E-Mail: segreteria@asigitalia.com

Cooperation for International Economic Exchange

The General Assembly of the NGO United Tows Agency for North-South Cooperation, local partner to ECOSOC (UN), has approved Asigitalia.

Enrolled in the register CH-550.

E-Mail: segreteria@asigitalia.com

Cooperation for International Economic Exchange

The General Assembly of the NGO United Tows Agency for North-South Cooperation, local partner to ECOSOC (UN), has approved Asigitalia.

Enrolled in the register CH-550. 

E-Mail: segreteria@asigitalia.com

Cooperation for International Economic Exchange

The General Assembly of the NGO United Tows Agency for North-South Cooperation, local partner to ECOSOC (UN), has approved Asigitalia.

Enrolled in the register CH-550. 

United Towns Agency

UTA Nigeria redefines

THE United Towns Agency for North SouthCooperation (UTA), Nigeria chapter, hastaken humanitarian services to a uniquelevel.UTA is a United Nations-accreditednon-governmental organisation that hasconsultative status with

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IPEC microelectronics initiative 2

R&D&I projects must be of a major innovative nature or constitute an important added value in terms of R&D&I in the light of the state of the art in the sector concerned. Projects comprising of industrial deployment must allow for the development of a new product or service with high research and innovation content and/or the deployment of a fundamentally innovative production process.

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Visit the UTA Agency website: United Towns Agency

Rossana Rodà

Rossana Rodà

President of United Towns Agency - Italy

Gianvico Camisasca

Gianvico Camisasca

Director general of the office United Towns Agency - Italy

Daria Pesce

Daria Pesce

Vice-President of
United Towns Agency - Italy

Antonio Mazzarino

Antonio Mazzarino

Vice-President of
United Towns Agency - Italy

Alessandro Andriani

Alessandro Andriani

Vice-President of
United Towns Agency - Italy

Tito Zanfagna

Tito Zanfagna

Vice-President of
United Towns Agency - Italy

Enrico Romanutti

Enrico Romanutti

Vice-President of
United Towns Agency - Italy

Rita Agnese  D'Arenzo Losito

Rita Agnese D'Arenzo Losito

Vice-President of
United Towns Agency - Italy

Gordan Rancic

Gordan Rancic

Vice-President of
United Towns Agency - Italy

Roberto Salvini

Roberto Salvini

Public relations and press office
United Towns Agency - Italy

Emanuele Bettini

Emanuele Bettini

External relations manager of the Cremona office and responsible for relations with the academic world
United Towns Agency - Italy

Dalia Gallico

Dalia Gallico

Director of projects, training and employment services for
United Towns Agency - Italy

Visit the UTA Agency website: United Towns Agency